Strengthening safety awareness and improving safety quality


Maintain peace of mind and practice peace of action


Safety is the top priority of all production. Be prepared for danger in times of peace and remain vigilant in order to prevent unexpected situations. Recently, Southern Communication organized and carried out a special lecture on safety production to further enhance employees' awareness of safety production and their ability to prevent disasters and avoid risks.

The lecturer focuses on the theme of "prevention first, life first", analyzing and explaining industry accident cases, loss analysis, prevention and investigation, and emergency evacuation from multiple aspects. After the meeting, under the leadership of department heads, everyone carried out preventive inspections on the production site to create a safety first working environment.

This safety promotion activity has enhanced the safety awareness and prevention ability of the majority of employees. Creating a corporate atmosphere where everyone emphasizes safety, pays attention to safety, and ensures safety has laid a solid foundation for the continuous and stable safety production work of the group.

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